The Yoga Place has moved. New Address: 6734 Wise Ave. NW, North Canton, 44720
(330) 499-2863.
Tuesday Classes, 4:00 - 5:15 pm, next session begins April 29, 2025. Six Weeks, $65 payable to Laura Kolinski-Schultz. This class meets once a week for six weeks. Please Register by the first day of the session! Masks are no longer required inside the building.
NEW! Qigong Class at The Yoga Place, begins Friday, May 2, 2025, 12 noon - 1:00 pm. Tuition: $65.
Slow and gentle exercises to gather, circulate and store Qi (life energy). We start with breathing, warm ups, and stretching then go into flow exercises, finishing with a mini meditation. this class meets once a week for six weeks. Call Laura at (330) 324-9319 or write to her at for more details.
Yoga Central - 4626 Cleveland Ave. N, Canton, OH, 44709. Across the street from the Raisin Rack. Call me at (330) 324-9319 for more information. Classes will meet outside when the weather is warm enough, behind the building. Please dress appropriately. Do not wear sandals or flip flops. We will be in the large main room if we cannot be outside. Masks are no longer required inside the building. As always, please wear indoor only shoes or go shoeless when indoors.
We will have these classes at the Home Dojo during the Summer. See the section on Summer T'ai Chi for details.
Wednesdays, 7:00 - 8:15 pm beginning April 30th and Saturdays, 11:30 am - 12:45 pm, beginning May 3, 2025. Six Weeks, $65 per person per 6-week session. Pre-Registration is required. Please sign up no later than the first day of the session. Go to to register online, or contact me directly at (330) 324-9319 or The website is set up for individuals signing up for one class per week for six weeks. If your circumstance is different, please contact me for details. See below for discounts.
One person, two classes per week: $120.00.
Two people from the same family, One class per week: $120.00.
Two people from the same family, Two classes per week: $220.00.
Three people from the same family, One class per week: $165.00
You may pay me with a check, cash or credit card ahead of time or the first day of the session. Make checks payable to Laura Kolinski-Schultz, or register online with a credit card at If you are planning to sign up for more than one class a week, or if multiple members of the same family wish to sign up, please contact me first. It may be less complicated to pay me directly than to register online.
Summer T'ai Chi & Qigong
Join us at the Home Dojo for the next Summer session beginning in June 2025! Open to all levels. We play outdoors in good weather, so please dress appropriately and wear good shoes. No sandals. If it rains we will either have class inside, or postpone the class.
Saturdays, 9:30 - 10:30 am, begins June 21, 2025.
Wednesdays, 7 - 8 pm, begins June 18, 2025.
We are located in Jackson Township, West of the Strip, off of Lake O Springs.
You may sign up for 6 weeks ($60) or 9 weeks ($90) and attend classes in any combination of all Weds., all Sat., or some Weds. and some Saturdays. Classes will begin in June 2025. You may register for all 18 classes for the discounted tuition of $150. Tuition is paid directly to me with cash, check, PayPal or credit card by the first day of class. Call (330) 324-9319 for more information, or email
Discounts are available for more than one family member. If you have already taken at least 2 regular (not Intro.) 6-week sessions during the last 6 months with us, you may drop in for $12 per class. Contact me to register: or (330) 324-9319.
Introduction to T'ai Chi and Qigong
at Yoga Central Postponed for now...
Held on Saturday mornings during the regular year - September through early June. Six weeks beginning ??? We will focus on stretching, warm up exercises, basic T'ai Chi principals, movement and Qigong. Check out this beautiful location right across the street from the Raisin Rack on Cleveland Ave. Wear loose comfortable clothes and soft, flexible shoes. We will be outside when the weather is good. If it rains, we will be inside. You may wear shoes inside, but they must be for indoor use only, and have light colored soles. Call (330) 324-9319 or email me at for more information.
You may make up a missed class at any of the locations or times during the session that you are in currently. For more information call (330) 324-9319 or send me an email
Pre-Registration is required for these classes! Register no later than the first day of the session!